Afterwards I met many people who simply started learning how to play certain instruments for fun. I know plenty of musicians who can play several instruments, with one that is primary of course. I met one Dutch lady, who plays tenor sax but decided to try baritone, just for fun.
I thought - Man, she really has the guts, to start such a thing in her age. Especially such a big instrument which is not easy to play! Then why on earth can't I? Honestly I've already given up on this dream of mine and thought I'd never learn. But this question remains - WHY NOT? It's never too late!
So I decided - I'm going to find a teacher and try it! There was a workshop for sax players recently held by one of the top sax players in Croatia - Sasa Nestorovic - so I decided to check it out. I thought I was going to consult him on some things. Like which sax to buy, which teacher to ask, how to do it, and all those things one has to know when starting. He was thrilled that a girl wants to play the tenor so he invited me on stage in front of everyone to try it! And there I was in a club called SAX (imagine that...), holding a Selmer jazz tenor sax, scared to death that I won't be able to play a sound and he's coaching me how to do it. After many squeaking sounds I managed to get a sound! And everybody clapped and took photos of this historical moment! This was a moment to remember and it made me really proud to know that my dream came true. I will definitely remember this forever!
This is only the beginning. The next step, get a sax and a teacher and kick ass!
So if you're wondering what it would be like to try something you've always wanted to try and never had the guts, TRY IT! You will love it and remember - it's never too late...
Way to go, kiddo, that's the spirit. Don't you dare not inviting me to your first recital. I mean it! :)
:) thanx...
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