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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Concert of Bebel Gilberto - commentary

The concert was a really special experience but I have heard many complaints about the sound. Supposedly the sound at the back was pretty lousy and her voice was pretty distorted. Hard to believe since I was near the stage the whole time and heard everything perfectly. However, the people who didn't hear so well at the back were not so pleased and started talking, which was really disturbing because Bebel Gilberto's music is not hard stuff but more sophisticated soft Brazilian style. That spoiled the atmosphere a bit, but all in all it was a pretty relaxed environment, she sat in her chair and at some point even lied down on the stage singing in a horizontal position! As if she were at home jamming with friends! That was cool, people really responded nicely and she gave everyone a lot of support and motivation to feel comfortable and relaxed. The music was amazing. She was promoting her new album Momento but she played some other tunes, one of my personal favorites August Day Song from Tanto Tempo and some standard bossa nova tunes...

The band that performed before her was Forro in the Dark, a Brazilian band located in New York that also played pretty cool sound. Plenty of rhythm, percussion, nice boys...what can I say - a nice introduction! :)

Finally, it was an honor to be there and listen to this great Brazilian lady with a wonderful voice. All of you who missed it should regret it! All you who will still have a chance to see here somewhere else (as this was her last concert in Europe!) GO AND ENJOY THIS CONCERT!!!


Paraskiv Zmeura said...

Hay, Maja!
U cool!

& definitely great opportunity to listen to Bebel Gilberto :)

Do you go to the second performance as well?

see U online.
Sasha, Moldova

Abelha Maia said...

which second performance?
yes, it was really cool to hear her live! ;)

Paraskiv Zmeura said...

just drop it, I probably understood wrong, that Bebel will have 2 concerts in Croatia.

take it easy :)

good day 2 U

Abelha Maia said...

no, just one concert. It's done. it was her last concert in europe...

Paraskiv Zmeura said...

it's pitty, but she will definitely come again :)

or I will go to see her somewhere in the world :)