This is a place where you can find out more about some useful things related to jazz music and everything related to jazz. This is for instrumentalists, vocalists, critics, and all who are at least curious about all that jazz...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Jazz + Ars = ?

I have decide to give a simple explanation of the name of this blog since many people asked me what it means and I've heard many different meanings of the word ars. So JAZZ is quite simple. I think this is an universal word in all languages, but ars can be quite a lot of things.
Let me give you several examples of the meanings of the word ARS.

According to it's an
ABBREVIATION: Agricultural Research Service
Infoplease says that, apart from the above mentioned abbreviation, it also means advanced
record system.

Then there are several other definitions such as: acute respiratory syndrome, American Radium Society devoted to the study and treatment of cancer, Agricultural Restructuring Scenario, Archive Retrieval System and autonomously replicating sequence, Argentinian currency (Argentinian pesos)...

Wikipedia says ARS, which stands for Air - Roll - Spin, is a bodyboarding trick. It is a combination of El Rollo and a 360º spin while the bodyboarder is in the air. The bodyboarder starts off by approaching the lip and doing the el rollo, and during the rotation throws him/herself into a forward 360º spin.

Similarly written and something a friend of mine from Ireland pointed out was
A British word that allows one to distinguish between a part of the body and an animal called an ass (to say nothing of ass). Because most British accents have a weak arr, however, the distinction in speech is noted mostly in the vowel.
He said that all the British will laugh at this because it reminds them of ass. Not really written properly then, if we want to say that, is it? Lucky me! :)

From the botanical dictionary we found out there is an American Rose Society (abr. ARS) which is an educational, nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to the cultivation and enjoyment of roses. Imagine that!

And finally the real meaning of the word, the original word, the roots, the one I meant was from Latin - ars, -tis, f. = ART !
Or more concretely, the definition goes:

ars -tis f. (1) [skill , method, technique]; 'ex arte', [according to the rules of art]. (2) [an occupation, profession]. (3) concrete, in plur., [works of art]. (4) [conduct, character, method of acting]; 'bonae artes', [good qualities].

So the name of this blog would be: jazz art. All because I wanted to put here things related with jazz and arts related to jazz. It can be anything really since art is such a broad term.

I hope I've cleared out some confusions. ;)

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